Unikatni nakit iz izbranih tkanin

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Ročno izdelan nakit iz tkanine s tvojo zgodbo

Z ljubeznijo izdelujem unikaten nakit iz tkanin, pri čemer uporabljam kar 90 % recikliranih materialov. Če pa imaš doma tkanino, ki ima zate posebno vrednost, jo z veseljem vključim v nakit, ki bo nosil tvojo osebno zgodbo.

Naj tvoj nakit postane nepozaben spomin.

Če si to želiš, mi piši na tina@redear-design.com in skupaj ustvariva personaliziran nakit s tvojo zgodbo.




23.4 - Ljubljana, 500 podjetnic - Največji praznik ženskega podjetništva



I am a passionate creator of handmade jewelry. You can find my products under the brand RedEar Design. All are unique, hypoallergenic and made in Slovenia.

More about me


Each product is unique and handmade in Slovenia.


Choose your favorite fabric color of earrings, cufflinks or sets. Send me your wishes at tina@redear-design.com.< /p>


Delivery by Pošta Slovenija in 2-3 working days. Free delivery in Slovenia for purchases over €20.

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Different values / Digital format


Who are the earrings named after? ➡ After the Birds!!

While watching documentaries about birds I was fascinated by their colorful colors and the number of different species that exist all over the world.

I noticed the incredible similarity between them and the color combinations of their earrings. That's how I got the inspiration for the names of the earrings in the colors of nature from the birds.

Earrings are made from designer fabrics of various patterns and colors. Everyone is like that a pair similar to another type of bird. In this way, the earrings got duplicates who fly around the world like I once did when I was a flight attendant. 😍

You can see all the earrings under the unique fabric earrings collection. Each earring comes with a name in s a picture of your double. 🦜🦩 🦢 I hope you like the duplicates and see the similarities that I see.😃

Everyone the earrings are unique, as they are my handiwork.

Look at the earrings

INSTAGRAM GALERIJA (@redear.design)