
My website uses cookies. By using this website, you agree to setting cookies on your device.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit our website and do not harm your hardware or software. You can remove cookies at any time or set your browser to prevent their installation.

Cookies do not identify you personally. We only use them to make the website work better. The main purpose of the cookie is to (ours) enables the web server to present customized web pages to the user, which enable the visiting experience (ours) website more personally and to respond better to individual user needs. The interaction between the user and the website is faster and easier with the help of cookies. With their help, the website remembers the individual's preferences and experiences, which saves the user time when visiting again, and browsing the website is thus more efficient and pleasant.

Types of cookies used:

  • Cookies for analytical purposes (Google Analytics) from Google Inc (Google) - cookies remember your visit and movement on the website as well as your settings and searches on the website for the purpose of better functioning of the website and preparation of personalized advertisements. Cookies about the use of the website and your IP address are transferred to and stored on a Google server in the USA. Google will pass on the data to third parties if this is required by law. Google will not associate your IP address with other data stored by Google.
  • Cookies that are necessary for visiting and using the website. Cookies are necessary for the website to function and are deleted when they are no longer needed. Because cookies correspond to the exception of Article 157 of ZEKom-1 (Ur.l.RS no. 109/12), they are created even if the website user does not agree to the use of cookies.

The data collected with the help of cookies will not be forwarded to third parties, except for Google.